Thursday, 17 April 2008

Sunday, 6 April 2008

InDesign Course

InDesign Course, 31st March-4th April

Over the Easter holidays I took an InDesign course at the London College of Communication, as I have volunteered to create and design my exhibition group's catalogue. We are getting a special discount from the printing company because Catherine dates the boss' son but that is the limit of the help. This is the information for the layout:

Size- 148.5 x 105 mm. (A6) Portrait. Use Indesign if possible (though said if problem can use another) All images cmyk, 300 DPI (300 DPI- he said if possible- nearest) Colours- all spot colours to convert to cmyk Font- all font converted to outlines (so like an image not text). CS2 not CS3 version of indesign 3mm bleed is fine.

Notes from the course:
- White arrow highlights the content
- Black arrow highlights the box
- To make text flow- shift then click
- Text formatting: to change the layout of the master copy -> Layout -> Layout Adjustments -> Enable Margins and Columns (this skill is useful for 'boring' designs)
- Grid- makes boxes though the user has to make the text flow
- Select all= Apple key and A
- Colour and stroke icons
- Wrap around bounding box- makes the text jump, opp. is text wrap
- Object -> Text Frame Options -> Adjust text layout in a box- space between the border of the box for text inside
- To personalise bullets -> Glyphs and Tabs

... Notes follow in Sketchbook 2